Read-A-Thon :: A Delayed Introduction

Where are you reading from today?
We had a family event during the morning (the last Pee Wee football game for nephew #2) so I began the day reading in the car and then moved to the books upon returning home. From that point on I began my reading while stretched across my still-unmade bed, then moved to the living room with feet propped on the ottoman. The entire evening has alternated between those two locations, but at some point I’ll probably stretched out on the couch so I don’t get too comfy on the bed. The windows have been open all day and the breezes have been fairly cool, creating a wonderful reading environment in all positions!
3 facts about me …
(1) I’m a lifelong reader but have favored my other passion (movies) more than books in recent years. How shameful is that?!   (2) I’ve lived in North Texas my entire life and never actually liked living in North Texas (too hot!). (3) My favorite author is John Grisham; to me, he’s simply the best kind of comfort food.
How many books do you have in your TBR pile for the next 24 hours?
I began with such great ambitions! There were six books in my pile plus 6 magazines, but only one of those books was manageable in a short time-frame. Instead of focusing on volume I planned for content. Which is fine but doesn’t allow me to put up strong numbers. 😦
Do you have any goals for the read-a-thon?
My only goal for participating in this, my FIRST read-a-thon, was to rediscover my love for reading and motivate myself to continue choosing it over other entertainments. Here’s hoping!

About Jules Q

sharing stories of life, faith, and love for pop culture

Posted on 10 October 2010, in What I Read and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 4 Comments.

  1. midnightbookgirl

    North to South
    and East to West
    Readathon Readers
    Are the Best!
    Sea to Sea
    and Coast to Coast,
    Readathon Readers
    have Read the Most!


  2. I did that my first readathon, focused on one thick book and was disappointed when others posted about all the books they’d finished. But really it doesn’t matter how much you read but that you had fun doing it! I hope you HAVE rediscovered your love of reading. 🙂
    Good luck as we approach the last few hours.
    Happy reading!


  3. What a wholesome bookish goal: hope it’s working out for you, and that your home stretch is as rewarding as your Read-A-Thon has been already today!


  4. It’s more about the experience than the stats! I hope you’ve had fun!


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