Daily Archives: 14 February 2009

5 things I love this week

February 8-14, 2009

1. Creative inspiration from design publications. I have shelves of decorating magazines and books, scores of jpeg images on my computer, and bookmarks all over the place leading me to inspiration for my home and my personal art. But still I spend hours every week poring over webpages and blogs and random postings about all manner of creative projects. I’m hooked! And I’m always inspired. There’s just nothing more fun in this world for me than taking something uninteresting and transforming it into something that excites me. My flat is the greatest canvas I have.

2. The discography of Keith Urban. Still entrenched in my country music phase, I’ve found that I am gravitating toward Keith Urban more than any other artist this week. There just isn’t one song I don’t like!

3. The iPod shuffle game on Facebook. There’s really no end to the amount of fun this game can provide!

4. Finding clarity. This week I began One Month to Live and suddenly have a clarity that never existed before. Should be an interesting month!

5. Pure, unadulterated joy. My nephew D is hugely focused these days on car washes and the color of the brushes used in each location around town, so his joy was uncontainable this Valentine’s Day when I drove him through my chosen station. Above every other Valentine activity (including loads of candy at school and homemade Dirt for dessert), the blue brushes in my car wash have been the non-stop topic of conversation for the past three days as he anxiously awaited this gift from me. Kids just know how to live, don’t they?

Valentine's Day car wash