September Listography | Day Seven


100 things that I love in the world — part 2
1.  that today is the birthday of my best good friend, Cerella
2.  that we have so much in common despite a 10-year age difference
3.  that we have become best friends over the past 10+ years without ever meeting in person
4.  that she accepts my random thought processes and sometimes finds them inspirational
5.  that she first contacted me because she loved my writing
6.  that her own writing dream was finally realized this year
7.  that she reminds me to write for myself first and not for perfection
8.  that we share an obsessive love of pop culture
9.  that she allows me to gush over celebrity crushes even when she doesn’t see the appeal
10. that she introduces me to British film projects that I might never check out on my own
11. that I think of her every time I watch a Heath Ledger film
12. that we can have texting marathons one day and then not feel slighted if we don’t contact each other for days afterward
13. that we both appreciate Atretes from Mark of the Lion series but she doesn’t begrudge me the Russell-Crowe-in-Gladiator comparison even though one is a German barbarian and the other is Roman
14. that she loves Disney with all of her heart and can’t wait to reintroduce me to it later this year
15. that she gets very excited when I branch out and try new foods
16. that both of us are afraid to speak on the phone for fear we’ll run off at the mouth and never be able to hang up
17. the fact that #16 is not a bad thing
18. that we share the same faith in Jesus Christ and One True God
19. that we each consider each other to be just like a sister
20. that I managed to complete her birthday gift in exactly the way I intended… and on time!
Happy Birthday, Love!    You are the absolute greatest!

this particular topic was taken from list-maker extraordinaire Andrea at hulaseventy while My Listography was inspired by the site of the same name


About Jules Q

sharing stories of life, faith, and love for pop culture

Posted on 7 September 2010, in Lists I Keep and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. I got chills at this one and nearly cried! These lists have been outstanding. I was saving my inbox links to comment on each one, but they piled up too quickly so I’ll just say here how great they’ve been! 🙂 And this is such a beautiful summary of our friendship. Love you, J!!!



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